IBO Challenge 2020 オープニング動画


0:01- イントロ
1:56- IBO本部議長 松田 良一先生
3:37- IBO2020科学委員長 和田 洋先生
4:30- 宣誓動画撮影の手順
5:20- 選手宣誓文
5:46- ジュリー・試験監督宣誓文


We, competitors of this” IBO challenge” solemnly swear that we will answer the theoretical and practical competition questions in the most responsible way and we will compete honestly according to the principles of “Fair Play”.

We, the members of this International Biology Olympiad Jury, solemnly swear to judge the competition of IBO challenge 2020 according to the principles of “Fair Play”.