Message from the Japanese Biology Olympiad Committee Coordinator (March 17, 2011)
-にベルギーのGérard Cobut (IBO副議長)により掲載された。
Dear IBO friends,
Thank you very much for your concerns about us. We are still terrified by earthquakes and the atomic power plant’s problems. I have heard that inside of buildings in Tsukuba University were damaged seriously. Our university of Tokyo is OK even though labs in the upper floors, over 6th floor, are damaged by falling off reagents from lab benches. All books in our libraries also fell down. Now, besides expected big earthquakes coming in Tokyo area, we have to face serious radioactive pollution, if the procedures fail. We are still not sure what the outcome of these problems will be.
Only relief is that the IBO 2009 was over without any problem.
About JBO activity, we had no choice but to postpone our final exam for the third selection, which was scheduled on March 20th, to choose our final candidates for the IBO2011. Hopefully we can finish final exam later and train them and send them to Taiwan. At this moment, this is our only hope.
In my opinion, if we could get along these hardships, we should reconsider our science education for next generations. Science education becomes imbalance in our country. For example, we teach earth science to only less than 5% of high school students. Even though we face some of earthquakes, typhoons and small tsunamis every year, 95% of high school students were not taught earth science, anymore. 30% of high school students were not taught physics, including atomic energy. 30% of high school students were not taught biology including infectious diseases, population problems and health problems. I think that we need “science education for survival” which contains all fields of sciences, medicine, agriculture, technology, science ethics and humanities for human survival. And we, probably in every country, should reconsider modern excessive electrically-powered daily lives, as well.
Thank you very much for your concerns for us, again. We really hope to see you again at the IBO 2011 in Taipei.
Sincerely yours,
Ryoichi Matsuda, D. Sc.
Coordinator of Japan Biology Olympiad Committee
Professor, Department of Life Sciences,
The University of Tokyo 3-8-1 Komaba – Tokyo 153-8902 – Japan
私たち日本のことをご心配いただき心より感謝申し上げます。私たちはまだ、地震と原子力の問題にさらされています。 (2009年に国際生物学オリンピック大会: IBO2009が開催された)筑波大学の建物の内部が地震の被害にあったと聞きました。私たち、東京大学では,6階から上の研究室では実験台から試薬が落ちるなどの影響はありましたが、みな無事です。今、東京に大きな地震が来るのではないかという問題の他に、原子力発電所への対応を誤ると、深刻な放射能汚染が起こりうるという問題に直面しています。これらの問題がどのような結末を迎えるのか、まだよくわかりません。IBO2009がなんの問題もなく終っていることが唯一の救いです。
松田 良一